Monday, March 21, 2011

Changing Shapes (Hiding from places)

This Monday we mark 25 days until music’s migration desert-ward. 
This movement is a retreat in two ways:
A retreat from our offices and homes and cars and socially acceptable behavior. 
But it’s also a retreat as in a return, a back-peddling, a reconnection with our primordial nature.
Don’t let modesty stop you when it comes to fulfilling that animal instinct. 

Take it up a notch with these Animal face masks available on Amazon (an aptly named resource!) 

Get one for each member of your crew and roam the plains a heard, a gaggle, a school, a drove, or whatever floats your boat. 

1 2 3 4 we must lock the door
5 6 7 8 we must evacuate
9 10 11 12 we must prepare for
13 monsters
13 monsters

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